Tag-arkiv: figs

En lækker madblog (a great food-blog)

roated acorn squash
Det kan være lidt svært at læse opskrifterne på billederne (man skal have dem op i stor størrelse på skærmen), men hvor er billederne dog smukke.
It can be a little difficult to read the recipes on the photos (you have to have them in full size on the screen), but my God, the Photos are beautiful. Photo: Erin Gleeson/The Forest Feast


Okay, så én sidste ting, inden jeg holder ferie….
Det er linket til en skøn madblog, kréeret af den amerikanske fotograf Erin Gleeson.
Hun arbejdede i mange år i New York City og fotograferede til magasiner og kogebøger og arbejdede sammen med journalister og top-kokke.
Men i sommeren 2011 blev hun og hendes mand, Jonathan, nødt til at flytte på grund af hans arbejde. De flyttede til det nordlige Californien, lige syd for San Francisco, hvor de i dag bor i et romantisk træhus ude i skoven.

Læs videre En lækker madblog (a great food-blog)

Purple Power Salad – and a great blog

The beautiful ceramic bowl is made by my friend Anni.

It was a Danish friend, Anne, who now resides in California, which made ​​me aware of this English-language blog, My New Roots, written by Sarah Britton.
My New Roots is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The subtitle is “How to make healthy choices every day.”
And Anne was right – it is truly amazing. The first thing I noticed about it, was the quite wonderful photos accompanying the blog’s recipes. Fortunately (for my own peace of mind) I could also read that the blogger has worked for five years to perfect it. So there is still hope for my one month old blog!

Læs videre Purple Power Salad – and a great blog